Dear Michael (Metatron)
I am a psychologist from El Salvador and I bought your sound therapy this year. The purpose of this email is to let you know about some of the results that my client's have had with Metatones.
- One of my patients is a seven year old boy who came to my clinic because he was not doing well in school. He had a difficult time paying attention and concentrating. After three months of bi-weekly sessions with Metatones he has improved a great deal. His teachers have congratulated him on his progress and even the Principal of the school was pleased to hear about his advance. I combined Metatones sessions with other emotional therapy and it has worked very well.
- Another person using Metatones is a 31 year old man. He suffers from depression and has under gone numerous tests (EEGs, blood tests, etc.) to find the origin of his problem. This is a hard case because he feels like crying often and generally feels very sad. We are trying to get him to express everything that he feels and thinks to determine the origin of his illness. He is not interested in using drugs because of the side effects. Even though he has just started using Metatones (just finished the Beginning level) he claims to feel more relaxed with a better state of awareness.
- My mom has been using Metatones for two months now and the first time that she used it her arrhythmia stopped. She generally feels calmer and more relaxed now.
- Several other people including my father and other members of my family have used Metatones. The general reactions are tingling sensations in various parts of their bodies plus a very relaxed attitude after the sessions. It has been very positive. The tingling sensations are probably do to an increase in the energy flow through the meridian system. I have had a few children say the repetitive nature of the sessions was boring and they did not want to use it again.
- I am personally using Metatones and look forward to advancing to the Level 3 programs. I feel very relaxed after the sessions and if I have a headache it fades away. Metatones has a definite calming effect and is probably a very good therapy for stress related symptoms.
- I have begun using Metatones on a few clients who want to improve their learning skills so I will let you know how they do.
I personally think that the Metatones system is awesome. I have recently read a book by Masaru Emoto (Japanese) on water that supports the power of thought. You know, just the fact of hearing a positive thought over and over again with Metatones gets into your subconscious and the power of thought moves us and the world in a more positive direction. Considering our bodies are over 90% water the Metatones therapy presents many interesting possibilities.
Well that's my update. I really think your system is wonderful and hope to be able to help others with this tool.
Peace be with you,
Jessica Parker de Salinas
Psychologist from El Salvador
Update from Jessica Parker de Salinas
This is additional feedback on two closed cases that started receiving Metatones Sound Therapy last year: Daniel Chevez and the man I will refer to as Mr. D.
Daniel Chevez came to my clinic because he had been diagnosed as Hyperactive by his teachers and was flunking many subjects at school. He took Level I and II and received a total of 56 Metatones sessions, distributed in 10 months. At first, he accompanied these sessions with emotional therapy, and received a total of 16 sessions.
As I mentioned before, he improved his academic record greatly! He started showing improvement after three months of Metatones sessions and maintained a good average at school ever since then. His behavior also got better: he was more attentive, more calmed and easy going.
We successfully ended this case on May 7th.
Mr. D was the man who had two suicide attempts years before, who had lived in what he referred to as "in darkness" for many months, developingphotophobia and practiced all the exams necessary to determine his condition (he even went to CUBA to do MRIs, EEGs, many blood tests, etc.) and no physical causes were found to be altering his emotional behavior.
Mr. D received a total of 12 emotional therapy sessions (he didn't want to continue with them) and a total of 55 Metatones sessions, distributed in almost 6 months. He also completed Level I and II. At the same time, he was taking natural remedies with another doctor, including herbs like Bellen Star, Valeriana, Pasiflora, San Juan's herb, etc.
When he begun Level II, he stopped taking those natural remedies and stayed only with Metatones sessions to see if this sound therapy was sufficient enough to maintain benefits and he reassured this fact: he could take efficient decisions, he felt more energetic, he could sleep better and even felt more attentive and sensitive to people around him.
I proposed to him (as you and I agreed a few months ago) that he could continue receiving Metatones's Level II Program, alternating between the beginning program 18 seconds session and Level II E 18 seconds session. But he said he felt prepared to continue on his own feeling much better.
We successfully closed this case on May 1st.
There is a new child receiving Metatones, he started on March this year. He came because he had "Separation Anxiety Disorder". He has improved, but still needs to continue. We made 8 sessions of Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) and he has received a total of 12 Metatones sessions. I'll feedback you on his advances in a few months.
Hope everyone at Metatron is well and all of your family too.
Blessings, happiness and love,
Additional Update from Jessica Parker de Salinas
This is feedback on advances with three cases.
Case number 1 is Oscar P. He is a 7 year old boy who came to my clinic on March this year because he had separation anxiety disorder. I made 8 stress inoculation sessions and gave him Metatone's level I program. After four months of therapy he improved significantly. He is actually about to finish Level I and is able to manage being apart from his parents, is able to close doors any time, anywhere, is able to handle staying alone in the dark, among others. His parents are very happy with results and will stop taking him to the clinic after finishing level I program, because they are already satisfied with Oscar's positive behavior changes.
A 12 year old boy, Daniel R., started receiving Metatones Therapy on May this year because his academic average was very low. He had been taking Ritalin for four months before going to my clinic, but showed no improvement with it. After 8 sessions of Metatones therapy Daniel uplifted his school average and started scoring 90s and 100s. He didn't even have to attend summer school after. He will finish level I program on September, and her mother wants to stop right after to see if his good behavior, capacity of paying attention and responsibility towards studies continues without the need of more therapy.
Finally, an 80 year old man went to receive the beginning program and level I A, on June this year. He went because he felt depressed and had trouble dealing with sadness and anxiety on his own. He felt so well after 11 sessions that decided to stop after. He has been feeling wonderful ever since then (two months so far).
Hope this contributes to your research data.
I'll let you know if a new Metatones therapy client shows up. So far, so well. Thanks to your system, I have been able to help 14 people and that is an amazing feeling.
Thank you for creating such a wonderful tool.
Send you my best intention, gratitude, happiness and love.
Jessica D. Parker Salinas